Linux Repositories

Using QTUM official Repository on Linux

We've published our official Qtum repository on this repository supports the following distributions:


  • 8.x (Jessie)

  • 9.x (stretch)

  • 12x (Bookworm)

  • Testing (Trixie)

  • Unstable (Sid)


16.04 - 24.04

Other official repositories


Tested on Centos 7, 8 and Fedora 30. Other releases should work fine as well.


Get it from the AUR

More distributions will be added in the future, this document will be updated to reflect those changes.

Tutorial focus

This tutorial assumes you have a basic knowledge of Linux and terminal usage, the entire process uses the Linux terminal.

Installing on Ubuntu

Obtaining signing key

First, we need to obtain the Qtum signing key from the ubuntu keyserver, here's how:

sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys BF5B197D

This will download and add the Qtum signing key to your linux install.

Adding repository to your APT sources.

echo "deb $(lsb_release -cs) main" |sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/qtum.list

Refreshing APT sources and installing Qtum

sudo apt update && sudo apt install qtum

By doing this, we'll update our sources and install Qtum on our ubuntu Box

Installing on Debian

First, we need to make sure sudo is installed:

Type sudo su and press enter, if you get a password prompt, then you can move on to obtaining the public key

Installing sudo

Obtain admin privileges (su to root) and then type your admin user (root) password

Once you're logged in as "root" please type the following: apt-get install sudo

When sudo finishes installing, add your user to the sudo group: gpasswd -a youruser sudo Logout and then log in again.

Installing dirmngr and apt-transport-https

These two packages are needed to enable the Qtum repository on Debian, let's install them:

apt install -y apt-transport-https dirmngr

Obtaining Public key

sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys BF5B197D

This downloads and installs the Qtum public key

Adding repository to your APT sources.

sudo su - Sudo to root first

echo "deb buster main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/qtum.list

This will add the repository to your APT sources file. NOTE: Please remember to change "stretch" for your Debian version codename <!--(for instance, Debian 8.x codename is jessie, in this case you need to replace stretch for jessie)-->

Refreshing APT sources and installing Qtum

sudo apt update && sudo apt install qtum

By doing this, we'll update our sources and install Qtum on our debian Box

Install on Centos/Redhat/Fedora

These are the steps you need to take to install Qtum in a RPM-based distribution

  1. Install the public key for the RPM repository:

    sudo rpm --import

  2. Add the Qtum repository:

    sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo

  3. sudo yum update

  4. sudo yum install qtum

You can also use dnf to install Qtum on Fedora and distributions that support it.

Install on Archlinux

To install on arch, the easiest way is to use "yay"

You can install Qtum using the source files, but this will take a long time to compile from source. In most cases, we recommend using the binary release with: yay qtum-core-bin

This will bring up a dialog where you need to confirm that you want to install the above mentioned package, press "1" to confirm .

Launching Qtum

Launching is simple, we just go to our applications menu and scrolldown/search for qtum

Last updated