Janus Docker Container

First, download the Janus docker image

docker pull qtum/janus:latest

To setup a Janus docker container we need to configure a network bridge for it to talk to the Qtum blockchain

docker network create --driver bridge qtum

Then we need to startup the Qtum blockchain and configure it to use the network

docker run --network=qtum -it --rm \
  --name qtumd_regtest \
  -v `pwd`:/root \
  -p 23888:23888 \
  -p 3889:3889 \
  qtum/qtum \
  qtumd -regtest -txindex -addrindex=1 -logevents \
  -rpcbind= -rpcallowip= -rpcuser=qtum -rpcpassword=testpasswd

And finally, launch Janus configured to use the network as well

docker run --network=qtum -it --rm \
  --name janus_regtest \
  -v `pwd`:/root \
  -p 23889:23889 \
  qtum/janus:latest \
  --bind --dev --qtum-rpc=http://qtum:testpasswd@qtumd_regtest:3889

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